Go Dark At Your Own Risk

Published on 5/16/2024

Chirping Crickets...

If you're wondering why storage facility operators are so keen on keeping your contact information up to date, it's because stored belongings, for some people, are low on the priority scale, and they can be easily forgotten when their storage account is on auto-pay with a credit card. 

Look, we get it: nobody likes excessive email or text messages, but we only send out a couple each month and you're at risk of losing your belongings to auction if your credit card expires, your account falls into default, and we can't contact you. 

So, in order of importance here's what we need to keep you from "going dark."

A Valid Email Address
This is our first and most important line of communication. Monthly rental invoices, payment receipts, and announcements are first sent out by email. Please make sure your email address is up to date with us, and please don't hit the "junk" button and send our notices to your spam folder.

A Working Phone Number
Landlines are okay, but cell phones are even better--especially if you opt-in to our text messages. Again, we won't harass you with countless calls or texts, so please don't block our phone number

An Emergency Contact
If we can't reach you by email, phone, or text, the next step is calling your emergency contact. This person needs to be someone that knows you well and knows how to reach you if we can't. 

A Physical Mailing Address
Snail mail is our least preferred method of contact, mainly because we have very little confidence in the US Postal Service. Still, though, please keep a current address on file so if all else fails, we can knock on your door and let you know your account is in default.

A Valid Driver's License
If we're having to look you up through the state DMV, that means we've run out of options, your stored belonging are scheduled for auction, and time is running out. PLEASE don't let it get to this point. 

Over the years we've only had a couple tenants that went completely dark on us, and unfortunately their storage unit went to auction after our exhaustive efforts failed to reach them. Bottom line: we don't want you to lose your stored belongings, so please don't put them at auction risk.