Year One Improvements in Fredericksburg

Published on 11/24/2023
River Hills Storage - Fredericksburg, TX
Well...those twelve months sure went by quickly!

It seems like it was just a few weeks ago when we walked out of the title company in Fredericksburg with the deed and rent roll for 72 storage units on Brehmer Lane. We've made significant improvement to the property over the past year, with more planned in the coming months. To all of our tenants, we appreciate you sticking with us during the transition and the dust; here are a few of the notable improvements...

River Hills Storage Website
New Website with Online Rentals
With so many now having access to smart phones and computers, it was a no-brainer decision for us to offer automated rentals at our storage locations. The feedback from our tenants has been overwhelmingly positive, and gone are the days of paper leases, checks lost in the mail, and storage rentals by appointment. You can now rent units and pay your bill online, at your convenience, at any hour of the day. Technology isn't the answer for everything, but we love what it's done for the storage industry.

Video Surveillance Upgrade
We understand that no one likes to feel like they're being watched, but video surveillance is a crucial component for a business that allows 24/7 access to their property. In our first year of storage operation in Fredericksburg we are pleased to report ZERO incidents of break-in or criminal mischief, and you can rest assured that we are continually watching both the live and recorded camera footage. We have also forged good relationships with our neighbors and the Fredericksburg Police Department, and we appreciate their regular drive-by patrols.

Corner Bollards at River Hills Storage - Fredericksburg
New Corner Bollards
Building dings are going to happen when you have people turning tight corners with large trucks and trailers, and that's why we've planted the five-foot-tall bright yellow bollards at the corner of each building. Hopefully they will provide a convenient visual reference for our tenants, while keeping us in good standing with our insurance carriers. 

Erosion Control at River Hills Storage - Fredericksburg
Erosion Control
Most you have likely noticed that we've had significant erosion problems when heavy rains turn our gravel driveways into flowing streams. While we have extra gravel on hand, it's not much fun shoveling and pushing a wheelbarrow for several days after each deluge. The new concrete curbs, driveway extension, and river rock drainage should help to keep our gravel in place--and we are looking into a couple more measures that will reduce the erosion problem even more. Once we complete the mitigation, we'll be bringing in more gravel to fill in the low spots.

Again, Thank You!
We appreciate your business and please know that we will be continually working toward our goal of providing a quality storage experience at a fair price point.